Four year anniversary!

This week was quite a big deal for our Free Company as we turned four years old! Huzzah! So naturally we celebrated with some party games and some Gil prizes!

I made everyone taking part wear an “Altered Woolen Cowl” dyed in the colours of our FC and it caused quite a few comments from other players wondering what was going on!

We're not a cult, honest!
We’re not a cult, honest!

So as in previous years we warmed up by climbing the small tower that’s in Shirogane (where our FC house is). A few of our members were familiar with this so it didn’t take them too long to get to the top and the first three people won prizes.


After this we moved to Limsa Lominsa Upper Decks where I had 5 alt characters hidden. Everyone started off at the Aftcastle and then spread out to try and find the hidden characters. The first three people to find each character won a prize. This didn’t take too long, because it’s pretty hard to hide in the Upper Decks, but I think it still went well and everyone had fun!

"I bring this meeting to order..."
“I bring this meeting to order…”

We even managed to get a quick group photo of most of the people playing, although sorry that it has gotten dark by this point:

Some of the Crystal Crusaders
Some of the Crystal Crusaders

After this we all moved to Horizon to play Lawn Darts. This involves having a waymark on the floor and everyone throwing themselves off a cliff, like a lemming, with the intention of trying to land as close to the waymark as possible. People had three tries each and scored 1 point for landing on the edge of the waymark and 2 points for dead centre. Scores were tallied at the end and highest scores won!

We had 21 people play this game and I was a little worried that it’d be chaos with everyone jumping at once, however, as requested everyone lined up and jumped in an orderly fashion and we got through the game without too many problems!

Is anyone else having flashbacks to "Raubahn Savage"?
Is anyone else having flashbacks to “Raubahn Savage”?

After this we headed back to the FC house for a quiz. It was mostly about the FC itself and there were a few “go and count these objects” type games. These all had a prize for each correct answer. I always worry that it’s unfair to non-native English speakers as well as those who can’t type as fast, but everyone still seemed to have fun.

Inside the FC house
Inside the FC house

After the quiz we had a quick raffle for some bigger Gil prizes. To generate the raffle numbers we had everyone do a “/random” in chat and noted down their number. They had one chance to draw another /random and then the prizes were drawn (also using /random). The closest person to that number won.

One of our FC members, Blithesome Carl, is a talented artist and offered a raffle prize of a drawing of someones character as a raffle prize. L’ireiya Tia won this prize and I look forward to seeing the final drawing!

Oh and while we were getting the numbers… it involved more Raubahn Savage queuing:

We're not all British, but we still like to queue!
We’re not all British, but we still like to queue!

After the raffle we moved to the PVP area and split up into groups for some PVP tournaments. We had one for melee DPS, tanks, ranged physical DPS, healers and magical DPS.

The DPS fights all went rather smoothly, but in the end we had to call a draw to the tank and healer fights. The tank fight was going on for about half an hour, long after we’d called it a draw. It was impressive to watch though!

It's time to duel!
It’s time to duel!

After that we called it a day and I went to tally up the prizes and send everyone what they had won!

Thank you all for coming, I hope that you had as much fun as I did and thanks for all being a part of such a great Free Company! Here’s to another amazing year! Here’s the list of prizes and who won how much!

NameGil won
Meow Chow1,300,000
Nekomi Hounami1,300,000
Ceyri Noca1,200,000
Lex Miahto800,000
Lyallon Estaqur800,000
Rydia Nishiyama550,000
Sylvia Flutterstar550,000
Wom Blorm550,000
Blithesome Carl500,000
Terazoic Willowstar500,000
Elydith Nelhah350,000
Geralt R'ivia350,000
Roy Yunomi300,000
Driess Raronek250,000
Kamisato Ayato250,000
L'ireiya Tia250,000
Erza Keso100,000
Lucy Evercraft100,000
Primatus Soprey100,000
Sirradez Halvic100,000
Dacent Valeroyaniox50,000
Gianix Giari50,000

And just to finish up here’s a random picture of us all mounting up in our “party outfits”!

Moving between zones
Moving between zones

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