Happy New Year!

It’s the start of 2025 and I’m glad to say that our FC is still here, 7 and a half years later and thank you all so much for being a part of it!

Our raffle has now ended, congratulations to all winners! We had 7 main winners who won 1.5 million Gil each and 10 runner ups who each won 250,000 Gil. We also had 7 people who didn’t win anything at all (sorry!), but they still received a 100,000 Gil consolation prize!

This means the total prize money for this raffle was 13,700,000 Gil and here’s a table of the winners:

25 December 2024Bifi BifiSuki Hagane
26 December 2024Lyallon EstaqurL'ireiya Tia
27 December 2024Terazoic Willowstar
28 December 2024Ninuh KhatkaKendra Covell, Niners Dawnheart, U'anna Nitsah
29 December 2024Niners DawnheartNinuh Khatka
30 December 2024Damon EvangelistaBlithesome Carl, Gwendolia Mangold, Nekomi Hounami
31 December 2024Fist LovefuryPome Kneenibbler

Congratulations again to everyone who won and hope you all have a great 2025!