Raffle (2023)

To celebrate the holiday period, we are proud to announce a raffle with free entry for all our members! For seven days, 25th to 31st December inclusive, we will draw a raffle ticket and each day the prizes will be as follows:

Winning ticket: 1.5 million Gil (1,500,000)
Runner-up prizes: 250,000 Gil to all tickets that match the same first number as the winning ticket
Consolation prize: 100,000 Gil to anyone who didn’t win anything at all.

As you’re at least guaranteed the consolation prize, you might as well enter, what do you have to lose?

25 December 2023Geralt R'iviaBearn Livinstone
26 December 2023L'ireiya TiaMaralade Ferilla
27 December 2023Ashelia NightfallBifi Bifi, Eon Qirin, Qorfrog Pensildic
28 December 2023Blithesome CarlLynn Grey, Pome Kneenibbler
29 December 2023Bearn LivinstoneGeralt R'ivia
30 December 2023Thea BellesLyallon Estaqur, Ninuh Khatka, U'anna Nitsah
31 December 2023Ninuh KhatkaThea Belles
1st January 2024 (EXTRA!)Zolukai PestishydeSylvia Flutterstar

To enter, simply pick a number that isn’t taken (see the list below) and you either message Scott or ideally just enter it yourself by using the bot on our Discord server in the #bots channel with the following command:

!raffle NUMBER

Here are all the available numbers and you can see who has picked what so far:

Ticket Character Ticket Character Ticket Character
01 34 67
02 35
Kendra Covell
03 36 69 Akina Randall
Blithesome Carl
37 70
05 38 71
Pome Kneenibbler
39 72
Zolukai Pestishyde
07 40 73
Lynn Grey
41 74
09 42 75
10 43
Geralt R'ivia
11 44 77
Eon Qirin
45 78
13 46 79
Sylvia Flutterstar
14 47 80
Qorfrog Pensildic
48 81
16 49
Bearn Livinstone
Ashelia Nightfall
50 83
Bifi Bifi
51 84
19 52 85
20 53 86
21 54 Scutts Fletcher 87
22 55 88 Caly Pso
Lyallon Estaqur
56 89
24 57 90
25 58 91
26 59 Driess Raronek 92
Peach Lo
60 93
Ninuh Khatka
61 94
U'anna Nitsah
62 95
L'ireiya Tia
63 96
31 64 97
32 65 98
33 66 99 Ria Skybreaker

That’s all you really need to know, but if you want the exact specifics of how it will work, keep reading:

  • You do not need to play on the draw dates, or even login. Any prize you win will still be mailed to you. Entering is all you have to do.
  • There are only 99 tickets available so it’s first come, first served. Once all the numbers are gone, sorry, but that’s it!
  • On the draw dates, we will use the in-game “/random 99” command which generates a random number between 1 and 99.
  • If the ticket doesn’t match anyone, then we will random again until a winner is found. There will be a guaranteed winner each day!
  • You may change your number as much as you want, to any other that is available, but from the first draw date all numbers will be locked and can no longer be changed.
  • You may only win each of the prizes once (main prize and runner-up prize). Although it is possible for you to win both prizes, you also cannot win them on the same day (if you get the main prize it forfeits the runner-up).
  • This is available to all Free Company members who were a member before the 17th December and have logged into the game within the last 30 days.
  • You can only enter once. You cannot enter on an alt, sorry!
  • Scott’s decision is final (fail-safe in case something happens that wasn’t thought of!)