
Our Free Company has a small fleet of submarines that make us money to fund things like our birthday parties, raffles and the FC rooms.

However, we’re now starting to get more money than we need and the fairest thing to do would be to give that money back to our members. So we’re now operating a sweepstake to do just that!

  • The sweepstake will happen at 9am UK time every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday
  • One person will be picked each time and they will win 250,000 Gil
  • The winner is picked by an automated process so there is no bias.
  • It will only pick from players who were active within the previous 7 days
  • Anyone who has won within the last 30 days will be excluded
  • You have to be Pearl rank or higher (active with the FC on 10 differentdays)
  • Although only main characters can win (not alts), you can still play on your alts and that activity will count towards your main character (it won’t give you extra chances though!)
  • The winner will be automatically announced in Discord and their prize will be mailed to them soon afterwards.

This is heavily reliant on how much money the submarines bring back so unfortunately we may need to adjust the prize money in future (or there frequency there is a sweepstake).

Good luck everyone!