These are the main ranks in use by our Free Company.
Rank | How to get it | Abilities (includes previous) |
Zircon | Join our FC! | Stable your chocobo Activate our company buffs |
Pearl | Be active on at least 10 different days | Basic Company Chest access Access to giveaways Invite other players to the FC Thavnairian Onions for your Chocobo * A free personal room in the FC house ** |
Heliodor | Be active on at least 30 different days | Access to items purchased with FC points Change the music in the FC house Additional Company Chest permissions |
Amber | Be active on at least 90 different days | Access to use the workshop anytime you want Additional Company Chest permissions |
Jade | Be active on at least 180 different days | Green colour on Discord! (Yes we ran out of cool things to give you) |
Peridot | Be active on at least 270 different days | Knowledge that you have now been with us for so long, you are part of the furniture! |
Emerald | Be active on at least 365 different days | A really cool shade of green on Discord Our thanks for being with us for over a year! |
To clarify, when we say “active”, we mean that you logged in and played. However, you don’t need to do anything as this is all worked out automatically using information updated by Square Enix on the Lodestone website.
We are very alt friendly and playing on any of your characters (that are in the FC) will count towards your active days, just let Scott know so he can set it up for you. You should be aware though it will not increase your active days any faster, it only means you can play on different characters while still ranking up.
If you are offline for more than 100 days your rank will be temporarily changed to Inactive. This is simply to protect us from potentially compromised accounts, especially during free login periods. If you start playing again your previous rank will be restored within a few days.
To try and better reflect our actual member count, if you are offline for more than 365 days (1 year) we will remove you from the FC. However, if you start playing again, you are more than welcome to rejoin us! Even if we’re not recruiting new members, we always allow any previous members to come back who left on good terms (by own choice or inactive kick).
That all being said, if you want temporary access to something, such as the workshop, please just let Scott know and it can probably be arranged.
* If you require a Thavnairian Onion, please place your Chocobo in the FC stable and ask for one from any player with an Amber rank or higher. If they can they will confirm your chocobo needs an onion (sometimes there is confusion as to when it is needed) and will get one for you to use.
** Limit of 1 free FC room per person. Sorry, but we’re not made of money! If you remove it and want it again, you’ll have to buy it yourself. Also the game requires that you have Second Lieutenant or higher with your Grand Company to own any sort of housing, including FC room.